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Cheragi Hills – Chittagong
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Cheragi Hills – Chittagong

Cheragi Pahar Square has already become known as a grazing area for art, literature, culture and creative practices in Chittagong, the busy aesthetic city and commercial city. The area is now known as Cheragi Mor. With the passage of time, this Cheragi Pahar square became constantly busy with the movement of knowledgeable people of different ages. Here, the environment of the whole area is buzzing with the movement and conversation of people of various professions including poets, journalists, writers, dramatists, artists, singers, readers of creative books, organizers, cultural activists, political activists. Culture is the bearer and bearer of our heritage. Growing up in a cultural environment that holds this tradition and finding relief even if only a little bit, the area becomes pulsating with the hum of the little chirping in the morning and evening. Cheragi Hill is located on the northern side of DC Hill at the junction of Momin Road and Jamal Khan Road. So it became a meeting point for contemplative people, starting from professionals, workers, teachers and students. Also, this place is a special attraction for media lovers as it houses the head offices and bureau offices of various print and electronic media. The floral mau mau fragrance is always present here as an aesthetic malanch of mind and mind. So if not on a large scale but on a small scale this chilly yard is like an oasis in the desert. Amidst the brick-and-mortar austerity of civic life, here spreads an enchanting aura of verdant vitality of the mind. In the development of human creativity, the Cheragi Hills area is full of creativity; Here, day and night, the time of the visitors is spent carelessly. The hypnotic pull of Cheragi intersection is gradually increasing among everyone.  In the past, Sufi saint Hazrat Badr Auliya (RA) came to Chittagong from Arab countries by climbing on a piece of rock floating in the sea to preach Islam. At that time, the city of Chittagong was surrounded by uninhabited deep mountains and the abode of jinn and fairies. When Hazrat Badr Auliya (R.A.) ascended a mountain through a deep forest with a miraculous clay lamp in his hand, the jinns stopped him and said that there is no place for humans in their abode. When the darkness of the night came, Hazrat Badr Auliya (RA) asked the jinn fairies only for a place to keep the lamp, and they agreed. When he lit the miraculous lamp, the jinns began to feel intense burning pains in their bodies as the intense light radiated from it. Then at some point they were forced to leave Chittagong and slowly people started living here. This is how the hill of Cherag came to be known as Cheragi Hill. In a symbolic sense Chittagong was illuminated by lighting the lamp from here and since then till today Chittagong continues to be illuminated. 

Various Markets:

Numerous daily, weekly, fortnightly and monthly newspapers, TV channels, publishing houses, printing houses, hawker associations, social service organizations, band groups, bank-insurance, adfarms, stationery, computer training centers, hospitals, temples, halls are located around the area. Above all all types of commercial, social welfare and industrial literary institutions. Hundreds of thousands of people from cities, ports, villages are rushing to these institutions every day. The Cheragi Hill, one of Chittagong's famous commercial capitals, has daily transactions worth thousands of lakhs and crores of rupees. Where business also plays a considerable role in trade and economy. Also there are numerous clinics, hospitals, diagnostic centers, coaching centers around Cheragi Hills. On the other hand, it can be assumed that the fulfillment of unemployment needs and the expression of creativity are coming from this place. 

In the evening, people of all ages, besides the young, flock to chat, and there are chats, puffs and tea. Criticism, discussions, book unveiling, music, poetry readings, journalists, writers, cultural workers, artists, left political leaders and activists of all classes are present in the chat of Cheragi Pahar, which is famous as Mediapara. All in all, the trend of tradition and aesthetics of the area is increasing day by day. And the appearance of the busy Cheragi Hills area is becoming more and more modern. 

Mukhar Cheragi even in the middle of the night: 2:30 am chatter is in a different category. Newspaper and press workers gather at Cheragi intersection in the lonely night to get a little relief. Even if all the shops are not open, the few that are open are crowded for colorful tea-biscuits and a cigarette. The conversation turns to the other side while smoking a cigarette. The noise of Cheragi gradually decreases. 

Publishing Houses and Bookstores: Journalists, poets, and writers gather around publishing houses and chatter of Cheragi. And the publishing house Shayli Prakashan, Abeer Prakashan, Nandan, Shabdachash, Balaka Prakashan has been playing its significant role. Also elite bookstalls, Batighar, Nandan, Prathama, Granthnilay are nearby. Apart from being a hangout place for book lovers, the creative and valuable book needs of the readers are being fulfilled. Not far away, a bookstore called Kathakali sits silently witnessing the passing of time. 

Kingdom of flowers, and… :

Along with numerous establishments, the flower shops of the area form one of the most beautiful surroundings of the Cheragi Hills area. Traders have arranged flower beds of different species. If you look at it, it will seem like a whole kingdom of flowers. Although sometimes it causes traffic jams and traffic of common people. However, the fragrance of flowers keeps everyone fascinated. Hospital, medicine shop in front again; There are garments. The garments made by Garments are exported to different parts of the world. 


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